"Everything I do, I put my heart into it and always consider people who may have had similar experiences because I believe my purpose is much bigger than me."

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What People Are Saying


I had the pleasure and honor of meeting the author in person. She is a beautiful person inside and out. She is warm, inviting, authentic, transparent, and a blessing to meet and to know! The book captures, depicts these parts of her, parts of her life. I love how she opens up each chapter with a quote. What I also love about the book is that you do not have to start from the beginning. I started at the Chapter that spoke to me!! What I loved most is I got to the journal. I love the thought-provoking questions at the end of each Chapter🧐 Whoo!! I was not ready for those. This is a must-read! This would be excellent for a group read, a book club, and or a workshop! Thank you for sowing this seed!!



Tenaj takes the reader through an insightful journey of self-reflection and retrospection to help them find who they are as a person. Her life experiences like all of us range from tragedy to perseverance and the ability to overcome when faced with adversity. This book has nothing but my highest recommendation so I suggest picking up a copy today, you might just learn a thing or two.


I have known Tenaj since she was a senior in high school applying to attend Wesley College in Dover Delaware. She excelled as a student-athlete, a student leader we within her academic major, as well as a student ambassador in the admissions office. Her bravery to turn her story into her calling, creating an organization that provides the space for victims to feel seen and heard, and to help prevent similar things from happening to others inspires me every day.

I am proud to call her a colleague and friend and her story is one from which we can all learn a great deal and apply in our day to day.



Carry It With You is inspiring, real, and beautiful. The author's honesty in telling her story and her struggle illuminates the power of resilience and serves as an inspiring guide for all of us who are going through it.

I'm honored to know Tenaj Moody personally and am in awe of her ability to be vulnerable as a means to support others. A must-read.